Electronic service 3.29.01

Electronic service 3.29.01

E-service 3.29.01 “Transmission of information about foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily staying in the Republic of Belarus”

The e-service is available to legal entities and individuals rendering services for renting (subleasing) residential premises, which, in accordance with the requirements of article 43-1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Belarus” shall provide information on the foreign citizens and the stateless persons temporarily staying in the Republic of Belarus to the Internal Affairs bodies within 3 hours.

The e-service consumers are:

  • hotels;
  • sanatoria and recreational organizations;
  • agricultural tourism and ecotourism subjects;
  • legal entities and individuals rendering services for renting (subleasing) residential premises.

The service is rendered with strong identification access (access using a user’s electronic digital signature) on a fee basis. Free of charge in accordance with the legislative instruments of the Republic of Belarus (laws, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

For obtaining you shall:

  1. obtain electronic digital signature tools at the National Certification Centre;
  2. authenticate to the portal. The service will be available in your personal account;
  3. make a prepayment via AIS “Calculation” using the path in the tree of services catalogues: ERIP – E-government – NAIS – NAIS E-services;
  4. fill in the information in the CESP user profile unit (Profile).

Please note that it is desirable to make any changes to the Profile before filling in the application form for the selected e-service.