Национальный центр электронных услуг


    Electronic Document Management Services


    Services of the interdepartmental electronic document management system

    Services of the automated information system «Departmental Archive»

    Services of the National Automated Information System

    Services of the software package «Unified Service Desk»

    Services of the Republican Certification Center

    Universal Access System services

    Services of the public secured e-mail system for confidential workflow (AS PSEMS)

    Services of secured e-mail system «Pashtar»

    Video conferencing services on the basis of TrueConf Server

    Services of the video conferencing information system for confidential workflow

    Virtual data center service

    Secure hosting services

    Sale of licenses for Kaspersky Lab products

    Sale of licenses for products of ESET company

    Trusted Third Party service

    Validation of the form of the external submission of an electronic document

    Conference room services

    Consulting services